A Nobel laureate has proposed making the new city of Alatau "carbon-free"

Almaty region may become a site for Kazakhstan's first "carbon-free city" with a full cycle of waste recycling. Nobel laureate Rae Kwon Chung made such an initiative at a meeting with the region's akim Marat Sultangaziyev.

The scientist, who is an advisor to the UN Secretary General on climate change, arrived in the region at the invitation of the akim to discuss the development of the new city of Alatau.

Rae Kwon Chung suggested minimizing the amount of transport in the city by replacing personal with public transport, which would reduce exhaust emissions.

Read more: https://www.zakon.kz/obshestvo/6434520-nobelevskiy-laureat-predlozhil-sdelat-novyy-gorod-alatau-bezuglerodnym.html

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