Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan from December 26, 2023 No.1187

Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan from December 26, 2023 No.1187 On Amendments to the Decrees of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan from March 15, 2023 No.211 "On the creation of a special economic zone "G4 City" and from December 6, 2023 No.1087 "On approval of the Comprehensive Plan of socio-economic development of the city of Konaev of Almaty region for 2023 – 2027 years"

The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:

1. To make the following changes in some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1) in the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan from March 15, 2023 No.211 "On the creation of a special economic zone "G4 City":

the title to read as follows:

"On the establishment of the special economic zone "Alatau"";

paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be read as follows:

"1. To create a special economic zone "Alatau" (hereinafter - SEZ "Alatau") for the period until 2048.

2. To approve attached:

1) Regulation on SEZ "Alatau";

2) target indicators of SEZ "Alatau".";

Regulation on special economic zone "G4 City", approved by the mentioned decree, to make in new edition according to appendix to the present decree;

in the target indicators of the special economic zone "G4 City" approved by the mentioned resolution:

the title shall be revised as follows:

"Target indicators of the special economic zone "Alatau";

2) in the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan from December 6, 2023 No.1087 "On approval of the Comprehensive plan of socio-economic development of the city of Konaev of Almaty region for 2023 - 2027 years":

In the Comprehensive plan of socio-economic development of the city of Konaev of Almaty region for 2023 - 2027 years, approved by the mentioned decree:

the eleventh paragraph shall be revised as follows:

"A special economic zone "Alatau" has been created in the village of Zarechny, which includes the territory of the industrial zone "Arna" with an area of 1300 hectares, where high-tech projects will be implemented in the mechanical engineering, metallurgy, construction industry and food industry.";

in line 5 of the table, column 2 should be revised as follows:

"Connection of engineering infrastructure within the framework of realization of special economic zone "Alatau" in the area of Arna village in the city of Konaev of Almaty region.".

2. The present decree shall come into effect from the day of its signing.

Link to the decree:

Two million people will live in the new city of Almaty region

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